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Hello World!

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If I remember correctly, it has actually been almost a year since I considered starting a blog.  That fact indicates a few things:

 1. I tend to procrastinate      

 2. Not a lot of confidence in what I would ever find to write about

But hey, there must be loads of people with blogs who don’t have much worthwhile to say.  I am happy to say I follow a number of blogs that are very interesting, and written by REAL people who have busy lives too.  In fact I live with one of them, and am related to a number of other talented bloggers, so why not me?

I actually got the book “Blogging for Dummies” from the library last week.  If anything it gave me confidence to go for it.  I am not technical or techno savvy at all.   I am not even sure what my theme or topics will be.  I guess it will be a catch all, and hopefully I will come up with topics now and then. 

The title is The Good Life, which was not my original title, but I was never happy with the other.  I have a good life.  Not going to brag about it, there are countless things that could be improved upon – I am definitely a work in progress.  So other than this intro, what will I find to write about! 

About alexs1mom

Mom of one quickly growing boy. Believe in God and try to practice my faith, unfortunately not always meeting my own expectations. Partner, daughter, sister, auntie and Proud Nova Scotian. Love a good Italian Pinot Grigio, and a cold beer on a hot day. Hockey fan, spend a whole lot of time in rinks and watching it on TV. Volunteer for stuff my kid is involved in and at church. List maker and wanna-be blogger. Love reading other blogs, subscribe to many and wish I could read them all regularly! Eternal optimist even if I shouldn’t be.

4 responses »

  1. Yeah…finally! looking forward to reading all about “The Good Life”. Perhaps this will inspire me to start blogging again 🙂

  2. I’m always in Ahhh of people who can put thoughts and feelings to paper. I love reading everyone’s blogs. We have such geographical distance between us it allows me to feel a part of your daily life. Good on you to follow through on a desire/dream …. Just like someday I’m going to start training for the dragon boat races!

  3. Don’t know how I missed this until now! Yeah for more family Bloggers! It’s a lot of fun and good way to make connections. Happy Blogging 🙂


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